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Cooking on Fire_4PressImages

Usage: - These images may only be used in connection with the media coverage/review of the corresponding gestalten publication. - All media coverage must mention the title and show the cover of the gestalten publication. - The images may not be modified, manipulated, or used for other purposes. - The images may not be stored in electronic systems for any other purpose than the media coverage/review and may not be passed on to third parties Credits: - All images must be credited as specified below (contains name of image owner/photographer, title of publication, gestalten, year). - Image credits must be put adjacent to the photo. - Online coverage must include a link to the respective publication on gestalten.com. - For social media coverage please link to @gestalten for Instagram/Facebook and @gestaltennews for Twitter. p.43 Nicolai & Eva Tram, Cooking on Fire, gestalten 2023 p.122 Nicolai & Eva Tram, Cooking on Fire, gestalten 2023 p.206-207 Nicolai & Eva Tram, Cooking on Fire, gestalten 2023 p.260 Nicolai & Eva Tram, Cooking on Fire, gestalten 2023